Phone dump

So, I don't have much to say this week..I'm way behind on taking pictures of new stuff, hopefully I'll catch up this weekend.  I love when people do a "camera phone" dump post, so I thought I'd join in--I do have some projects I did to include with the randomness!

I like this picture from Fair on the Square, and never posted!

One of our customers at work made this for my boss--maybe if you're lucky I'll get her to make you one too!

Hogan a month ago, he's looks so much bigger now!  He's looking at me like I'm crazy

I really like this fabric--if anyone has a project they want to use it for, I would love it! 
a custom order--excuse the wrinkles, i just pulled them out of the bag and put inserts in really quick for a pic!  also excuse the giant mess in the background...

goes with the "s" pillows

poor John Wilson had pink eye--you can tell he's not happy!  guess who has it now?  I'll give you a hint--he's a sweet, chunky, little almost 5 month old who's name goes with Hulk----Hogan!!

custom Etsy order--turned out pretty cool!

 another custom Etsy order--not including the t-shirt pillow behind them-ha!
pink eye all better

Hogan with his sock monkey, Josh on his phone--doing their favorite things!

I texted this fabric order to Josh so he could go get it while I was at's a wonder he came back with the right stuff! 
Hogan's first ride in the cart like a big boy!  He looks SUPER least John Wilson mustered up a smile for me!

I sent this to the Chipper Chickie to see what was going on at her blog--all these hits in a day!

That's all I got!  Hope everyone has exciting weekend plans..our 6 year wedding anniversary is Saturday and we will be spending at least part of it at a family reunion with people we don't know-YAY!